| 1. | Females had an oerall 3 % lower mortality than males 女性的死亡率比男性患者低3 。 |
| 2. | Drinking an aerage of about half a glass of wine per day was associated with lowest mortality leels , it found 研究发现,每天平均饮用约半杯的葡萄酒者,死亡率最低。 |
| 3. | They found similar results , with a lower mortality rate and a higher suicide rate than the general population 研究者发现了类似的结果:相对于一般人群更低的死亡率和更高的自杀率。 |
| 4. | The left strains induced mortality in the ranges of 6 % - 77 % . however , all strains could cause severe atrophy of the bursa and thymuses , no matter they caused high or low mortality 其余毒株对spf鸡的致死率则介于6 ? 77之间,但是所有毒株都能造成法氏囊和胸腺的显著萎缩。 |
| 5. | Early and accurate diagnosis of patients with severe bleeding can facilitate therapeutic maneuvers , leading to lower mortality rates . this trend appears to have occurred with the use of therapeutic endoscopic techniques 内窥镜及其治疗技术的出现使严重出血得到早期诊断及治疗,使死亡率降低。 |
| 6. | The researchers concluded that there is a surprisingly low mortality from pancreatectomy for those with chronic pancreatitis , which may justify less restrictive use of this procedure for the treating the complications of this disease 研究人员推断,胰腺切除术治疗慢性胰腺炎的死亡率低于我们所预料,这可以说明对这种针对慢性胰腺炎并发症的治疗手段应用的限制应该更少些。 |
| 7. | But afternoon siestas have long been a part of daily life in greece , where the study took place , as well as in other mediterranean and some latin american countries , which tend to have low mortality rates from coronary disease 但是在开展此项研究的希腊,以及其它地中海国家和一些拉丁美洲国家,午睡一直以来就是人们的一项生活习惯,而这些国家中死于心脏病的人也相对较少。 |
| 8. | Additional , the incidence of a disease of avian flu and mortality difference are very big , depend on birds kind kind fasten and poisonous individual plant and age , environment and intercurrent infection , normally the circumstance is high incidence of a disease and low mortality 另外,禽流感的发病率和死亡率差异很大,取决于禽类种别和毒株以及年龄、环境和并发感染等,通常情况为高发病率和低死亡率。 |
| 9. | Although in recent years , china ' s population structure has changed into " three lows " complexion of low birth rate , low natural growth rate and low mortality rate thanks to china ' s unremitting efforts to carry out the family planning policy , a high growth is concomitant with the low birth rate 虽然近年来,由于计划生育政策的持续不懈努力,中国人口结构已转变成低出生率、低自然增长率、低死亡率的"三低"局面,但与低出生率相伴生的,却是高增长量。 |
| 10. | Newcastle disease is a highly contagious and economically most important disease of poultry . the disease also inflicts many other avian species . the disease varies in degree of severity ranging from mild , inapparent infecion to severe disease . based on the severity of the disease in chickens , the causative agent of the disease , newcastle disease virus ( ndv ) , is divided into three pathotypes : ( 1 ) the lentogenic strains , which cause mild inapparent infection ; ( 2 ) the mesogenic strains , which cause mild respiratory symptoms with low mortality ; ( 3 ) the velogenic strain , which are highly virulent and cause high mortality 新城疫( newcastledisease , nd )是由新城疫病毒( newcastlediseasevirus , ndv )引起的侵害禽类的急性高度接触性传染病,是家禽传染性疾病中危害最严害的疫病之一,由于对世界养禽业危害极大,故被国际兽疫局确定为类传染病。在传染性疾病的预防中,疫苗是减少易感人群而被最广泛采用和最有效的途径。 |