English translation for "kwp"
- 工人党
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | 2 . corrected channel adjustment match function for kwp 2000 2修改了kwp 2000协议的通道调整匹配。 | | 2. | 5 . corrected power balance arithmetic of engine for nissan protocol 5修正了日产kwp协议发动机中动力平衡算法。 | | 3. | 5 . corrected data stream arithmetic function for bosch and kwp 2000 protocol 5修改了bosch协定和kwp 2000协定的资料流程演算法。 | | 4. | 3 . solved the problem that it will display blank data item when reading abs data stream for nissan protocol 3解决了日产kwp协议abs读数据流时显示空白数据流项的问题。 | | 5. | 2 . added motor assist function for kwp protocol , with functions : read trouble code , clear trouble code , read datastream , and work support , etc 2新增了kwp协议motor assist系统,包括读故障码清除故障码读数据流工作支持等功能。 | | 6. | Kwp provides technical services to assist building owners , architects and contractors from design through construction of the building envelope Kwp外墙顾问通过提供专业的技术来服务和协助大厦业主,建筑师,和承包商。服务包括从设计一直到外墙的施工阶段。 | | 7. | 1 . added transmission function for kwp2000 , with functions : read trouble code , clear trouble code , read datastream , work support , can diagnosis , function test and ecu programming , etc 1新增了kwp协议transmisson系统,包括读故障码清除故障码读数据流工作支持can诊断功能测试和ecu编码等功能。 |
- Similar Words:
- "kworth" English translation, "kwossa" English translation, "kwot" English translation, "kwot key word out of title" English translation, "kwou" English translation, "kwr xan" English translation, "kws" English translation, "kws knots" English translation, "kwt" English translation, "kwu" English translation