English translation for "itar-tass"
- 俄通社-塔斯社
Related Translations:
tass : n.〔苏格兰语〕1.小酒杯或有足无柄的小杯。2.一杯的量,一口的量。 tass: n.〔苏格兰语〕1.小酒杯或有足无柄的小杯。2.一杯的量,一口的量。
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Itar - tass : in the latter half of this year you are going to meet the russian prime minister :温总理您好,我是塔斯社记者。 | | 2. | Itar - tass : later this year , you are going to meet the russian prime minister 俄通社塔斯社记者:听说今年下半年你要和俄罗斯总理会晤。 | | 3. | The itar - tass news agency said the climber could face a fine for violating safety norms at a construction site 伊塔塔斯社说,这名攀登者可能会以违反工地安全规定而遭罚款。 | | 4. | Russia ' s space agency has postponed the launch of the next manned mission to the international space station by one week , to march 30 , a spokesman said monday according to the itar - tass news agency 俄罗斯航天局1月23日宣布,将“联盟”号载人飞船下一次启程飞往国际空间站的时间将推迟到3月30日。 | | 5. | Russia ' s space agency has postponed the launch of the next manned mission to the international space station by one week , to march 30 , a spokesman said monday according to the itar - tass news agency 俄罗斯航天局1月23日宣布,将“联盟”号载人飞船下一次启程飞往国际空间站的时间将推迟到3月30日。 | | 6. | Russia ' s space agency has postponed the launch of the next manned mission to the international space station by one week , to march 30 , a spokesman said monday according to the itar - tass news agency . the launch , which had been scheduled for march 22 , is to carry russian cosmonaut pavel vinogradov , american jeffery williams and brazilian marcos cesar pontes 据美联社1月24日援引俄塔社报道说,这次飞行原定于3月22日实施,计划将俄罗斯宇航员帕维尔维诺格拉多夫美国宇航员杰弗里威廉姆斯和巴西宇航员马克斯塞萨尔旁特斯送入太空。 |
- Similar Words:
- "itaqui病毒病" English translation, "itaqui簿病" English translation, "itaqui热" English translation, "itar" English translation, "itar tass news agency" English translation, "itara" English translation, "itarana" English translation, "itaranta" English translation, "itarantim" English translation, "itarare" English translation