The reactionary officials took bribes insatiably , not giving the least care to the future of the nation . 反动官僚贪贿无比,根本不把国家前途放在心上。
The japanese devils really very much are insatiably greedy , always likes other people ' s thing regarding as own 日本人真的很贪婪,总喜欢将别人的东西据为己有!
She was muddled and mischievous as a chimney - jackdaw , she made her nest of rags and jewels , was happy in the sunlight , squawked loudly at danger , pried and was insatiably curious , forgot when to eat or ate all day , and sang when sunsets were red 她遵照轻松的自然法则生活,热爱世界、得过且过,对自然奇观有敏锐、神奇的鉴赏力,但在生活中却不能拾掇出整洁的家园。
Not only does it have no evidence to support this conclusion throughout the nearly 900 pages , but , on the contrary , it shows that the fabricators of the cox report are insatiably avaricious for and have devoted great energy to getting hold of china ' s military technology and information 不但近900页的《考克斯报告》没有证据来支持这种结论,恰恰相反,倒说明《考克斯报告》的炮制者们对盗取中国的军事技术和信息是贪得无厌、干劲十足的。
Mass culture comes into being when mass society seizes upon cultural objects , and its danger is that the life process of society ( which like all biological processes insatiably draws everything available into the cycle of its metabolism ) will literally consume the cultural objects , eat them up and destroy them 大众文化形成于大众社会利用文化产业之际,其伴随着社会进程逐渐耗尽文化产物并最终使其毁掉的危险,这就如同所有的生态循环贪得无厌地汲取一切,以利其新陈代谢。