| 1. | Recreation use of the inner harbour will have policy implications on the marine traffic 海港内围作康乐用途将会对海上交通有政策上的影响。 |
| 2. | In the inner harbour , ferry is a supplementary mode of transport to bus and railway 在海港内港的运输服务方面,亦发挥辅助作用,提供巴士和铁路以外的选择。 |
| 3. | In the inner harbour , they are a supplementary mode of transport to cross - harbour buses and the mtr 港内交通方面,渡轮则是隧道巴士和地铁以外的辅助交通工具。 |
| 4. | Provides essential services for the outlying islands and supplements other modes in the inner harbour 为离岛提供必需的服务,并为港内的其他交通模式提供辅助服务 |
| 5. | Inner harbour should be opened up for water sports , such as rowing , open sea rowing , sailing and dragon boating 内港应开放予水上活动如划艇、风帆、龙舟竞渡。 |
| 6. | Then visit the royal london wax museum situated at inner harbour in downtown , victoria 午膳后前往市中心之内港观光区拍照,游览省议会大厦或自费参观皇家伦敦腊像馆。 |
| 7. | Ferries provide essential links to the outlying islands and ancillary services in the inner harbour 渡轮为离岛乘客提供必需的接驳服务,在港内航线方面则担当辅助角色。 |
| 8. | Government does not have any policy favoring the inner harbour or prejudicing the new territories for development 政府没有任何发展政策意优待维多利亚港或对新界地区存在偏见。 |
| 9. | In the inner harbour and the new towns , ferries offer a supplementary mode of transport to the buses and railways 渡轮在港内和新市镇提供服务,作为巴士和铁路以外的辅助交通工具。 |
| 10. | In the inner harbour and for the new development areas , ferries offer a supplementary mode of transport to buses and the railways 在内港和新发展地区的运输服务方面,渡轮亦发挥辅助作用,提供巴士和铁路以外的选择。 |