| 1. | Wu ssu - jung , member of t he chiayi county council 嘉义县议会议员吴思容女士 |
| 2. | Lin hsun - yi , member of the chiayi county council 嘉义县议会议员林顺益先生 |
| 3. | Tung hsiang , speaker of the chiayi county council 嘉义县议会议长董象先生 |
| 4. | It was only recognised when taken to a open evening held by the archaeology department of lincolnshire county council 林肯州议会考古部门一致认可只有在空旷的晚上时候才拿着瓶子。 |
| 5. | Distinguished guests who attended included penghu county council speaker liu chen zhao - ling and mayor wang qian - fa of magong city 澎湖县议长刘陈昭玲女士和马公市长王乾发先生,特别拨冗参加灵性讲座。 |
| 6. | Announcing the changes yesterday , south dublin county council also said that the upgrade of the n4 interchange with the m50 in dublin would be completed within 10 weeks 在昨天宣布交通改变的时候,南都柏林郡议会还说, n4同m50在都柏林出入口的升级工作将在10周内完成。 |
| 7. | The extension was granted planning permission by fingal county council last april , but was appealed to an bord plean la by ryanair and the portmarnock community association 扩建项目的规划许去年四月可得到了fingal郡议会的批准,但ryanair航空公司和portmarnock社区协会向规划委员会提出了上诉。 |
| 8. | Chiayi county deputy magistrate wu jung - hui right and speaker tung hsiang of the chiayi county council first from left cut a vegetarian cake for the inaugural reception , while chiayi county councilor wu ssu - jung middle claps 吴容辉副县长右与董象议长左一为开幕茶会切素糕。图中鼓掌者为吴思容女士 |
| 9. | An employment tribunal found 1 , 771 women , employed by cumbria county council , were paid less than men doing the same job . it ruled they should have been paid higher wages or bonuses since the early 1990s 据镜报日前报道,根据法庭调查结果,由英国坎布里亚郡郡议会雇佣的1771名女工的薪水比从事相同工种男性的薪水要少。 |