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come to, yesterday, didn’t, he, school
他昨天没上学。  detail>>
he didn
他说这些话是有来头的 许是生病了  detail>>
well, didn’t, yesterday, i, feel
我昨天感到不舒适。  detail>>
he disagreed but he didn
但是没有把话说绝  detail>>
why didn’t you come
为何你不来  detail>>
come to school
上学  detail>>
he had a headache yesterday
昨天他感到头痛  detail>>
he played basketball yesterday
他昨天打篮球  detail>>
he took ill yesterday
他昨天生病了  detail>>
he was buried yesterday
他昨天被埋葬  detail>>
he was sick yesterday
他昨天生病了  detail>>
he didn’t want a temporary job
对于所提问题没有反应过来  detail>>
he pulled the trigger but the gun didn
没有发火  detail>>
he is come
他已经来了  detail>>
he ate three apples yesterday
他昨天吃了三个苹果  detail>>
he gave in his resignation yesterday
他昨天递上了辞呈  detail>>
he invited me to dinner yesterday
他昨天请我吃晚饭了。  detail>>
he left dalian only yesterday
他昨天才离开大连  detail>>