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cnao‘s shanghai resident office
审计署驻上海特派员办事处  detail>>
cnao‘s shenzhen resident office
审计署驻深圳特派员办事处  detail>>
taiyuan resident audit office of cnao
审计署驻太原特派办  detail>>
cnao‘s defense industry audit office
审计署国防工业审计局  detail>>
cnao‘s social security audit office
审计署社会保障审计局  detail>>
resident office
常驻办事机构 常驻机构  detail>>
国家审计署  detail>>
chao‘s chengdu resident office
审计署驻成都特派员办事处  detail>>
office of the resident auditor
驻地审计员办公室  detail>>
resident representative office
常驻代表机构  detail>>
allmilmo - shanghai office
爱米默厨具制造有限公司上海办事处  detail>>
cbrc shanghai office
上海银监局  detail>>
general post office building, shanghai
上海邮政总局  detail>>
 adj.  1.居住的 (at; in; abroad)。 2.驻节的。 3.【动物;动物学】不迁徙的(鸟兽等) (opp. migratory)。...  detail>>
 n.  1.上海。 2.(上海产)浦东鸡。  vt.  1.(用酒或麻醉剂)使…失去知觉而把人劫掠到船上去当水手。&n...  detail>>
at the office
在办公室  detail>>
be in office
当职,在执政  detail>>
be in the office
在办公室  detail>>