| 1. | Poems in li - chen dynasty and buddhism culture in vietnam 十九世纪越南阮朝的华人政策 |
| 2. | Tentative psychological analysis of frontier poetry in the liang and chen dynasties 梁陈边塞诗创作心理浅解 |
| 3. | The rise of the wuxing influential clan and the establishment of the chen dynasty 吴兴豪族的崛起与陈朝的建立 |
| 4. | On the northern expedition during taijian reign ad 569 - 582 by emperor xuan of chen dynasty 陈宣帝太建北伐述论 |
| 5. | Chen dynasty and huxin prefecture 陈朝与吴兴郡 |
| 6. | Then in liang and chen dynasties almost each sentence of a prose was compiled with an allusion 骈文于刘宋开始大量用典,究其原因,乃是受了这一时期博学风气的影响。 |
| 7. | But professor yan yazhong thinks that the fact was made by some people of chen dynasty , also , it should be taken seriously 而严耀中教授却认为这是陈朝御用文人煞费苦心地编造出这么一段陈出胡姓的家族史来,这就很值得商榷。 |
| 8. | Jiankang shilu written by xusong during the tang dynasty , is a significant ancient record of historical facts of over four hundred years , the six dynasties , namely , the sun wu dynasty , the eastern jin dynasty , the song dynasty , the qi dynasty , the liang dynasty and the chen dynasty 唐代许嵩所撰《建康实录》是一部记述孙吴、东晋、宋、齐、梁、陈六朝四百年史事的重要典籍。 |