A study on the sources of the figurines of the monkey on horseback and the monkey on camelback unearthed from yotkan , khotan 和田约特干出土猴子骑马俑与猴子骑驼俑源流考
Tourists like to climb up the hill bare - footed . at the hill - top they may have a birds eye view of the sand dunes which encircle a crystal - clear spring shaped like a crescent moon and then slide down from the hill , accompanied by a roaring sound of the moving sand . at the hill foot they may enjoy a slow riding on camelback 全部到山顶后,俯瞰四周,可见沙山环抱中有一清泉,宽约45丈,长约1516丈,其水机形状恰似一变新月,这就是月牙泉,再从山顶溜下,身后响起一阵沙鸣之声,切实体会到鸣沙山何以得名,旅游者在鸣沙山下还可以骑骆驼沿山麓缓行,体验沙漠驼队的情趣。