He always breaks faith with his clients 他对顾客总是不守信用。
Have we not all one father ? did not one god create us ? why do we profane the covenant of our fathers by breaking faith with one another 10我们岂不都是一位父吗?岂不是一位神所造的吗?我们各人怎么以诡诈待弟兄,背弃了神与我们列祖所立的约呢?
It is not efficient to solve the problem of lack of honest and credit in china only with the inane moral sermon . the only solution is to redesign the comparison between the costs of keeping faith and breaking faith or the comparison between the gains from keeping faith and breaking faith with certain institutional arrangements to make them keep faith on their own initiatives 所以要解决目前中国的诚信缺失问题,不能仅仅通过空洞的道德说教来引导人们诚实守信,而只能尊重客观实际,从市场经济的特点出发,通过一定的制度安排来重新设计人们守信与否的成本对比或者收益对比,使他们从自身利益的角度出发,主动守信。