| 1. | Hyder - arup - black veatch joint venture design and construction 设计及建造工程动工日期: |
| 2. | Prem arup , simmering slowly is certainly not our way 普利姆阿努帕,慢煮肯定不是我们的道路。 |
| 3. | Babtie - ove arup joint venture 百泰-奥雅纳联营 |
| 4. | This further success also fits in well with the establishment of the sino - uk airports working group set up in march 2006 Arup的成功竞标也与2006年3月成立的中英机场工作小组的宗旨相符。 |
| 5. | And that is not your responsibility : i am the cook here , and i have cooked so many people that you can trust me , arup 那不是你的责任:在这里我是厨师,我已经煮熟那么多人,你可以信任我,阿努帕。 |
| 6. | The consulting engineer for the contract is ove arup & partners hong kong limited . the work is due for completion in about two years time 这份合约是昂坪污水收集系统计划的一部分,工程约于两年后完成。 |
| 7. | Arup is a global design and engineering consultancy , providing a diverse range of professional services to clients around the world Arup是驰名世界的设计和工程咨询公司,为全世界客户提供广泛的专业服务。 |
| 8. | British embassy beijing - press office - news - arup secures new terminal design win for kunming airport 英国驻北京大使馆-新闻处-新闻稿件-英国奥雅纳工程顾问有限公司( arup )在昆明机场新航站楼设计项目中夺标 |
| 9. | The british embassy in beijing has played a key role in this process , and support for arup s bid has also been forthcoming from the deputy prime minister s office 北京英国驻华大使馆在这一过程中发挥了重要作用,副首相办公室对arup的竞标活动给予了不懈的支持。 |
| 10. | Building on their success with the design of beijing terminal 3 , they bid for the design of the new terminal development for the new airport at kunming in yunnan province in early 2005 在arup成功地完成北京首都机场3号航站楼设计后,他们参加了2005年上半年举行的云南省昆明一个新机场的航站楼开发项目的设计竞标。 |