| 1. | 2 days from arequipa just to see the canyon and other attractions . 4 to 7 days for longer journeys 二日游仅自阿雷基帕出发观赏峡谷及其他风景点,较长旅程需花费四至七日。 |
| 2. | 2 days from arequipa just to see the canyon and other attractions . 4 to 7 days for longer journeys 二日游仅自阿雷基帕出发观赏峡谷及其他风景点,较长旅程需花费四至七日。 |
| 3. | Where elegant vicuas wander the plains . a winding road leaves the arequipa and crosses the slopes of the snow - capped 殖民地时期城市的阿雷基帕,白城由于其著名的建筑而成为难忘的旅游经验。 |
| 4. | In arequipa , a reporter who wondered into the seminar held his press id in his hand while trying to squeeze through the crowd , and shouted , " i m a reporter 在阿雷吉巴城的时候,来了一位记者,他拿著记者证,喊著:我是记者,请让我过去。 |
| 5. | Arequipa , the city at the foot of el misti , is the commercial and agricultural hub of southern peru . the city takes its gleam from volcanic building stone 米斯提火山脚下的阿雷基帕城是南秘鲁的商业及农业中心。用火山岩建成的城市闪烁着微弱的光芒。 |
| 6. | The arequipa seminar was thus held at the lecture hall of the city s german institute . far more guests turned out than expected , filling the venue to capacity and leaving many people standing at the door 讲座是在德国学院的讲堂举行,参加的来宾远远超过预计的人数,场内挤得寸步难行,门口也站满了挤不进去的人。 |
| 7. | The lecture in arequipa also drew enormous crowds . many guests had to sit on the stage , and over a hundred people had to watch the lecture on a tv that had been temporarily set up outside 在亚雷圭巴市arequipa的讲座,会场再度挤得水泄不通,许多人坐上讲台,超过100人无法进入会场,只能在外面观看临时架设的电视。 |
| 8. | The historic centre of arequipa , built in volcanic sillar rock , represents an integration of european and native building techniques and characteristics , expressed in the admirable work of colonial masters and criollo and indian masons 秘鲁阿雷基帕城历史中心由火山岩石建成,它代表了欧洲与本土建筑技术、风格的融合,这些技术和风格体现在殖民宗主、克里奥尔人和印度人的作品中。 |
| 9. | In this way a new meditation center was established in tacna . work team members from lima and arequipa the second seminar was held on october 15 at the auditorium of san augustin university in arequipa , which can accommodate about a hundred people 第二场录影带讲座于10月15日在阿雷基帕市arequipa city的圣奥古斯汀大学san augustin university的礼堂举行,这个场地大约可以容纳100位来宾。 |
| 10. | The first october seminar was held in arequipa , peru s second largest city , located in the south and known as the " white city " for its many buildings of white lava rock . the city had only a few local fellow initiates at the time , but each was strongly devoted to master 十月份的第一场讲座在秘鲁南方的阿雷基帕arequipa举行,这里是秘鲁第二大城,因为有许多建筑物都是用白色火山岩white lava建筑而成,所以又称白色之城white city 。 |