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another term for dhyāna contemplation
坐证  detail>>
dhy□ na
禅那  detail>>
one of the seven dhyāna
心一境性  detail>>
the conditions of dhyāna and samādhi
禅定境  detail>>
Ⅰ形容词 1.(食品中油脂过多, 使人不想吃) greasy; oily  短语和例子   汤太腻了。the soup is too oily. 这炖...  detail>>
大红鹰  detail>>
sandwich another term for dp
男女男三明治  detail>>
 n.  1.注视,凝视;静观。 2.仔细考虑;沉思,默想,冥想。 3.打算,企图,计划;期待,预期。 4.【宗教】默祷;感知神之存在。&n...  detail>>
in contemplation
计划中的; 沉思, 冥想  detail>>
in the contemplation of
在料想之中 在预料之中  detail>>
term taken verbatim from another source
其他资料使用的词汇  detail>>
tiantai term for the hīnayāna sūtras
酪经  detail>>
oily flavour  detail>>
be locked in contemplation
陷入沉思  detail>>
be lost in contemplation
沉思出神 想得出了神  detail>>
beyong contemplation
预料不到, 预料之外  detail>>
concentrated contemplation
一向,安心,单思  detail>>
contemplation of bankruptcy
破产意图  detail>>