One need not hover aimlessly on the " net " 24 / 7 in order to see and absorb the repetitiveness which abounds in website after website ad nauseam 访问者不希望浏览毫无新意、内容枯燥无味的网站,这样没有任何意义。
Some of that hard science leads to nearly 7 , 000 fireworks - related emergency room visits on and around the fourth , not to mention cookout - related er visits ( burns , bug bites , food poisoning , ad nauseam ) each independence day 其中某些严肃的科学原理,导致7月4日前后,全美国发生约7000起与烟火有关的急诊事故,更不用说因烤肉而到急诊室报到人次了(烫伤、蚊虫叮咬、食物中毒… …不胜枚举) 。