| 1. | Access board section 508 检查可访问性。 |
| 2. | Section of the " guide to the section 508 standards for electronic information and technology , " which is published on the united states access board s web site 有关详细信息,请参见《电子信息与技术标准第508条指南》的“ |
| 3. | If you select the access board section 508 check box , the wcag priority 1 check box is automatically selected and cannot be unselected 如果选择“ access board第508条”复选框,则“ wcag优先级1 ”复选框会自动选定并且不能取消选定。 |
| 4. | Checks accessibility using the standards defined by the united states government in section 508 of the rehabilitation act , which are based on the wcag Access board第508条使用康复法案第508条中美国政府制订的基于wcag的标准检查可访问性。 |
| 5. | Guidelines the validation performed by the accessibility validation tool treats the wcag priority 1 guidelines as a subset of the access board section 508 guidelines 由可访问性验证工具执行的验证将wcag优先级1准则视为access board第508条准则的子集。 |
| 6. | Therefore , the complete list of access board section 508 errors and warnings consists of both the access board section 508 items and the wcag priority 1 items 因此, access board第508条错误和警告的完整列表由access board第508条项和wcag优先级1项组成。 |
| 7. | Specifies that the web page must meet all the standards established in section 508 of the rehabilitation act , as defined by the federal government of the united states Access board第508条指定网页必须满足美国联邦政府制订的康复法案第508条中建立的所有标准。 |
| 8. | If you run validation against the access board section 508 guidelines , the items that fail against the wcag priority 1 subset appear in the task list as wcag 1 . 1 errors or warnings 如果对access board第508条准则运行验证,则未通过wcag优先级1子集验证的项将作为wcag 1 . 1错误或警告出现在任务列表中。 |