鼎足而三: divided into three parts; a situation dominated by three powerful rivals
Example Sentences:
Trees stand here and there , birds and fish enjoy themselves in different spaces 岛南湖面,三座瓶形小石塔鼎足而立,造型别致优美。
Trees stand here and there , birds and fish enjoy themselves in different spaces 岛南湖面,三座瓶形小石塔鼎足而立,造型别致优美。
Si muwu ding was firstly founded its body and the legs for the whole , the two ears were installed later 司母戊鼎的鼎身和鼎足为整体铸成,鼎耳是在鼎身铸好后再装范浇铸的。
In the mandarin universe , great wall feng huang , mp gi and shaws were once the brightest stars . now , their glories are only part of history 曾几何时,长城凤凰电懋和邵氏鼎足三立,主宰了一个时代的国语电影,然后又都成为了历史。
As for jilin province , the ultimate reason of poor economy in county is that the city and urban district economy aren ’ t strong and they can ’ t drive the economical development very well 城区经济是城市经济的范畴,又是区域经济的制高点,近年来吉林省的城区经济已与开发区经济、县域经济鼎足而三。
Kweichow moutai , along with scotch whisky and cognac brandy , is one of the three most famous liquors in the world . it is refreshing , rich and sweet with a distinct after - taste . because of this unique quality , moutai is a famous chinese product in international commercial circle , winning reputations all over the world 茅台酒一直以来以其精湛的工艺,上乘的品质与法国科涅克白兰地英国苏格兰威士忌鼎足而立,成为唯一大规模进入外国主流社会的中国商品和盛大宴会的珍贵饮品,饮誉五湖四海。