| 1. | Senior constable constable auxiliary 高级警员/警员(辅警) |
| 2. | A retired senior police constable was sentenced to 120 hours of community service for evasion of a 60 , 000 debt by deception 一名退休高级警员,以欺诈手段逃避六万元债项,被判须履行一百二十小时社会服务。 |
| 3. | A senior police constable was sentenced to four months imprisonment for arranging a false marriage with a vietnamese woman for 50 , 000 一名高级警员,安排与一名越南女子假结婚,以收取五万元酬金,被判入狱四个月。 |
| 4. | A detective senior police constable was sentenced to 100 hours of community service for soliciting a 50 , 000 loan from a complainant of a deception case 一名侦缉高级警员,向讹骗案投诉人索取五万元贷款,被判须履行一百小时社会服务。 |
| 5. | A senior police constable was charged for allegedly using false receipts to interfere with a police internal investigation , and stealing his warrant card for sale 廉政公署落案起诉一名高级警员,控告他涉嫌使用虚假发票以干扰警方一项内部调查,及涉嫌盗窃委任证,并将其出售予他人。 |
| 6. | A senior police constable was sentenced to four years and four months imprisonment for using false receipts to interfere with a police internal investigation , and stealing his warrant card for sale 一名高级警员,使用虚假收据以干扰警方一项内部调查,并出售其委任证,被判入狱四年零四个月。 |
| 7. | A retired senior police constable was sentenced to six months imprisonment , suspended for three years , for posing as a serving policeman to cheat a gambling den operator out of 8 , 500 一名退休高级警员假扮现役警长,讹称可向一个非法赌档提供保护,骗取档主共八千五百元,被判入狱六个月,缓刑三年。 |
| 8. | The director of operations tang king - shing , accompanied by yau tsim district commander kevin woods , visited senior police constable cheung tak - shun at the queen elizabeth hospital this ( march 20 ) morning 行动处处长邓竟成在油尖警区指挥官邬士达总警司的陪同下,在今早(三月二十日)前往伊利沙伯医院探望高级警员张德信。 |