| 1. | Banned area livestock keeping 禁止饲养禽畜地区 |
| 2. | Livestock keeping activity 饲养禽畜活动 |
| 3. | Livestock keeping licence 饲养禽畜牌照 |
| 4. | When the total points deducted in a specific period exceed the specified ceiling , the livestock keeping licence of the farm will be revoked 若被扣分数超出上限,其饲养禽畜牌照便会被吊消。 |
| 5. | Livestock keeping licences also contain provisions relating to the protection of public health and include a number of conditions relating to the control and prevention of avian influenza 饲养禽畜牌照同时包括多项保障公众健康,与控制及预防禽流感的条文。 |
| 6. | Livestock farmers are provided with training in the proper use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals together with a handbook highlighting preventive measures 本署更为饲养禽畜的农户提供训练,并附以预防措施手册,教导如何适当使用农业及兽医用化学物品。 |
| 7. | During the year , a total of 560 verbal warnings and 164 written warnings were issued to licensed farmers and four prosecutions were made for illegal keeping of livestock 年内,本署共发出560宗口头警告及164宗书面警告予持牌农户,并作出四宗有关非法饲养禽畜的检控。 |
| 8. | The government began by implementing pollution control legislation to improve water quality . the keeping of livestock in urban areas was banned , and the pig farms on the stanley peninsula closed down 政府首先制定及实施污染管制法例,以改善水质,并立例禁止在市区内饲养禽畜,赤柱的猪场因而关闭。 |
| 9. | Beforehand to update themselves the situation . " when traveling to affected places is unavoidable , travellers are advised not to visit poultry farms and markets and make any contact with chickens or birds , " he said 若无可避免要到这些地区,旅客要注意不要与鸡只及禽鸟接触,也不要到饲养禽畜的农场及市场。 |
| 10. | All farms raising pigs and poultry must have a livestock keeping licence . this requirement is introduced to ensure good hygiene conditions and to minimise undesirable impact of livestock farms on the environment 所有饲养猪只及家禽的农场,必须取得饲养禽畜牌照,以确保?生情况良好,减低农场对自然环境的影响。 |