He was rangy, leathery, sun-baked and virile . 他又高又瘦,皮肤坚韧,饱受风霜,而且强健有力。
It is by soothing that wounded spirit that we must lead it into tie right path, and not by frightening it . 我们如果要把这饱受创伤的灵魂导入正途,最好是加以抚慰,不要使她恐惧。
Victory brought up the question of what the united states should do to help relieve the difficulties of the war-torn peoples abroad . 胜利带来一个问题:美国应如何帮助国外饱受战祸的人解除困苦。
How mankind ever came to be afflicted with wiglomeration, or for whose sins these young people ever fell into a pit of it, i don't know; so it is . 我不知道人们怎么就会饱受刀笔之苦,而这些年轻人又怎么就会由于刀笔的罪孽而掉到火坑里去;不过事实就是这样。
After pug's swift passage through war-torn russia moscow appeared to him about as untouched, peaceful, well-kept, and cheery as san francisco . 帕格仆仆风尘走遍了饱受战火蹂躏的俄罗斯前线之后,莫斯科在他眼中简直象旧金山一样未受损伤、和平安静、安然无恙,气氛欢快。
I bet he got a lot of snickers in the locker room 我打赌他在换衣间肯定饱受嘲讽
For tv so often plagued by timidity and hesitation , 在饱受胆怯和踯躅困扰的电视业