(生活艰难, 四处流浪) wander [drift] from place to place, enduring many hardships; be a vagabond, not by choice but by necessity; be put to one's shift, away from home; be vagrant on account of poverty; in difficulty and distress; lead a homeless life; lead a vagrant life; wander about in a desperate plight [in distress]: 在旧社会, 残酷的剥削和连年不断的军阀混战, 使劳动人民过着颠沛流离的生活。 in the old society, owing to cruel exploitation and succesive years of tangled warfare among warloads, the labouring people led a vagrant life
The american west may have accommodated thousands of rugged individuals spread over the vast frontier . 美国西部可能已经收容了遍布广阔边疆上数以千计的颠沛流离者。
In the old society , owing to cruel exploitation and succesive years of tangled warfare among warloads , the labouring people led a vagrant life . 在旧社会,残酷的剥削和连年不断的军阀混战,使劳动人民过着颠沛流离的生活。
He finally settled down after many years of moving around 多年颠沛流离以后他终于定居下来了。
Village 12 , nie has a mirror in wanzhou , enshi , and other places of work 他一生颠沛流离,饱尝生活的艰辛。
When one is traveling on an alien land , he will miss his home badly 在颠沛流离的日子里,人就会格外的想家。
In her misery the cow passed over the strait which divides europe and asia 她派一只牛虻去攻击牛犊,使她颠沛流离。
The unhcr also reports nearly two million other people are internally displaced within iraq 联合国难民事务办事处报道称,有将近200万其它人正在国内颠沛流离。
The mail arrives as much as a month late and often battered and ripped from the arduous trip 这些邮件通常需要一个月才能送到,经过一路的颠沛流离,它们早已经"衣衫褴褛" 。
For 5 million people to remain displaced or refugees of war for 60 years are - - is this not a crime 在巴以战争的六十年来,五百万巴勒斯坦队颠沛流离,背井离乡? ?造成这样难道不也是犯罪吗?
During her life , the northern song dynasty was defeated by invaders , and she had to be constantly on the run to escape the war 诗人在世时,北宋王朝被入侵者击败,她不得不颠沛流离躲避战乱。