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English translation for "颁布新规定"

to publicity a new regulation

Related Translations:
颁布:  promulgate; issue; publish; proclaim 短语和例子颁布法令 promulgate a decree; issue a decree
颁布法令:  edictpromulgate a decree
颁布标准:  promulgation of standards
颁布大赦:  decree an amnesty
颁布法律:  to enact a law, to promulgate a lawto promulgate a law
颁布军令:  issue a military order
重新颁布:  re-enactments
工程颁布通知:  engineering release notice
颁布的国际单位制:  the international of unit
颁布法律权:  power to promulgate law
Example Sentences:
1.Foreign banks operating in china will have to incorporate within the country to offer bank cards and mass - market banking services in yuan , less than a month before the industry fully opens , according to new rules issued by chinese regulators on wednesday
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