The location of quangan city is at subtropics moist monsoon climatic region with plenty heat , plenty rain 广安市地处中亚热带湿润季风气候区,气候温暖,热量充足,雨量丰沛,空气湿度大,日照少,霜期短,风力小。
Because the degree of humidity is feat , the sunshine is long , the frost period is short , the visibility is good , the fresh flowers are often the year not to fade , the plants grow all the year round green , so it is well know as the spring city in the world 年平均降水量l035毫米左右。由于温湿度适宜,日照长霜期短,能见度良好,鲜花常年不谢,草木四季长青,故以“春城”称誉世界。