The northern flavour of li han - hsiang s films 李翰祥电影的北京特色由雪里红谈起
The dishes in wuling recreational farm are very delicious and tasteful , which is very rare in the high mountain hotels . the chefs prepare distinctive cabbage , apple or tea gourmets by seasons , as well as organic vegetables like water celery , water spinach and pickled cabbage not ordinarily available down the mountain are the best choices for visitors . menu of wuling guest houses 宾馆大厨配合时令,精心调制推出具有特色的高丽菜大餐、苹果大餐、茶叶餐、猴头菇餐等、平日在山下吃不到的有机蔬果、以及现采野生水芹菜、水空心菜、雪里红等高山野菜,提供给喜爱尝鲜的游最佳选择。