Ⅰ动词 1.(跟; 跟随) follow 短语和例子 入乡随俗。 when in rome do as the romans do. 随我来。 follow me.; come along with me. 他随我们上了楼。 he followed us up the stairs. 他曾经随文化代表团到中国来过一次。 he was once on a cultural delegation which came to china.2.(顺从) comply with; adapt to 短语和例子 随顺 yield and comply; 只要你们做得对, 我都随着。 so long as what you do is right, i'll go along with you.3.(任凭; 由着) let (sb. do as he likes) 短语和例子 去不去随你。 whether you go or not is up to you.; you may go or not, as you wish. 随你的便。 do as you please.4.(顺便) along with (some other action) 短语和例子 请你随手把门带上。 please close the door as you go out.; please shut the door after you.5.[方言] (像) look like; resemble 短语和例子 他长得随他父亲, 说话的神情随他母亲。 he looks like his father, and talks like his mother.Ⅱ名词 (姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 随畅 sui chang