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English translation for "阻生"


Related Translations:
辐射阻:  radiation resistance
阻住:  stall 1
阻流:  choked flow◇阻流层 impermeable barrier; 阻流圈 choking coil; choke; reactor
减阻:  anti dragdrag reduction
阻焊条:  soldermask slivers
阻板:  bafflewalldepression plate
台阻:  bench stop
阻火线:  check line
汽阻:  vapor lock
弧阻:  arc resistance
Example Sentences:
1.From existing data , the prevalence rate of misplaced maxillary canine varies from 1 % to 3 %
摘要上颚未萌出异位及阻生犬齿的盛行率约为1 % ~ 3 % 。
2.An impacted maxillary canine is a frequently encountered clinical problem in the mixed dentition
3.Effect evaluation of artemisia desertorum spreng on ability of daily life after extraction of impacted tooth
4.It is not uncommon to see an impacted or unerupted maxillary incisor in the children ' s dental clinic
5.It will cause loss of the canine guidance , damage of the occlusion , and discoordination of the maxillary and mandibular arch forms
6.The case was a 12 years old girl with an impacted maxillary right canine and a supernumerary tooth located in between two central incisors
7.The technique is a simple , easy , and effective treatment for both unilateral and bilateral cases , and can be applied to correct the mesial impaction of other molars
8.The fabrication of this appliance , the preparation of the anchorage , and how to avoid the undesired side effects during the treatment will be discussed
9.Decreased interbracket distance and limited working space in the molar area force clinicians to make the uprighting appliances with arduous wire bending and / or time consuming laboratory procedures
10.This article reviews about the definition of ectopia and impaction ; the development of maxillary canine ; etiology , occurrence , assessment and treatment of impacted canine
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