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English translation for "防伪码"

anticounterfeiting codee

Related Translations:
防伪:  anti-counterfeiting
防伪纸张:  anti-counterfeiting paper
防伪油墨:  anti-forgery inkanti-forgery ink
防伪造:  fraud proof paper
防伪印章:  security stamp
防伪识别:  false proof recognition
印章防伪:  stamanti-counterfeiting
防伪特色:  security features
防伪技术:  anti-forgery technologyanti-fraud technique
防伪造纸:  anti-falsification paper
Example Sentences:
1.The code is repeated by voice and press 1 if it is correct
2.Input the 17 - digit fake preventing code and then press key for confirmation
3.Scrape out the fake preventing identifier layer and then input the 17 - digit code at the message writing place
4.1 . scrape out the fake preventing identifier layer and then input the 17 - digit code at the message writing place
1 .刮开防伪标识层,在写短信处:键入17位防伪码
5.A 17 - digit fake preventing code can be seen once you scrape out the identifier layer , then make a call at 16831500
刮开防伪标识层,即可看到17位防伪码,再拨打电话16831500 。
6.6 . outer housing of this product has code anti - fake mark , which can be scratched to see 17 - digit anti - fake codes
6 .本品外壳上均有电码防伪标识,刮开即有17位防伪码,可通过电话
7.1 . a 17 - digit fake preventing code can be seen once you scrape out the identifier layer , then make a call at 16831500
1 .刮开防伪标识层,即可看到17位防伪码,再拨打电话16831500 。
8.Input 16831500 and the 17 - digit fake preventing code in the dialog block for fake preventing inquiry on the first page
首页处,在查询防伪的对话框内键入16831500 3150和17位防伪码
9.4 . 3 the voice hint will be head in case a wrong code is input : the code you are inquiring is wrong , please take care of falsification and now please confirm when rereading it
4 . 3如果防伪码输入错误,语音则提示:您所查询的防伪码有误,谨防假冒,现在重读请确认xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 。
10.A reply message will be automatically sent : the code you are inquiring is correct . the product is a genuine product made in huadong safe protective equipment factory , please be relaxed to use
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