[ qiānmò ] [书面语] crisscross footpaths between fields
Related Translations:
阡陌交通: crisscross of paths in fields; highways of traffic ran in all directions
Example Sentences:
Crossroad community baptist church 阡陌社区浸信会
China and myanmar are close neighbors with their border people living within hailing distance 两国边境地区可以说是阡陌相通,鸡犬之声相闻(中缅关系) 。
It is a land kindling passion and tenderness . it is a land giving birth to tenacity and boldness 秀丽如锦的雅砻河谷一马平川,阡陌交通,河汊纵横,麦浪泛金
And he heard their voices calling his name , and shouting from field to field telling one another of the coming of the ship 他听到人们呼唤他的名字的声音,阡陌间互传着? ?他的船来了的讯息。
He took me out to the farm , but the farm wasn t the same anymore . many of the buildings had been bulldozed down and the pathways had been plowed and seed had been planted 几年前我去探望他,他带我去看农场,跟以前的不再一样,从前是房子的地方已被挪平,他们开垦了很多阡陌,又撒下种子。
The checkerboard fields of the chia - nan plain are the richest assets left to us by our ancestors , and are also the best place for city dwellers , who are often cut off from nature , to learn about farming life 嘉南平原上田连阡陌,是祖先留下最丰厚的资产,也是远离自然的您体验农业生活的最佳所在。
Farther to the south , sugarcane and citrus were added to the basic crops ; and in the mountainous southwest , forests of bamboo and valuable hardwood lumber brought in extra revenue 没有南方的堤防、阡陌、沟渠可资屏障,盗匪于是轻易纵横农村地带,强梁以马匹为先导,或护卫侧翼,以避免遭到集镇民团武力的反击或偷袭。
Establishment of the open type functional space : the mega - structure for the governmental institutions and the system consisted of semi - indoor leisure space , sight - seeing space , supervision space and political affair participation space , and the green spaces among the multi - storied buildings demonstrate extensively the openness of the new quarter 开放式功能空间建构:四大领导机关组成的中心巨构建筑及其半室内休闲、观光、监督、参政空间步行系统、多层建筑之间阡陌绿化等充分体现了开放性。