[ xiánqíngyìzhì ] be in a leisurely and carefree mood; an easy and interesting life; cultivated pleasures of a leisurely life; leisurely and carefree mood; romantic [poetic] fancy; the little pleasures of life
All the charm of their intimacy was gone . 他们之间那种亲密的闲情逸致也就此完了。
This was no longer a social occasion; whatever innocence there had been had fled . 这已不再是一次单纯的交往,原有的闲情逸致烟消云散了。
Hold on for the ride as the blowfish spin you around and around 在美国海滨内,充满闲情逸致的鳕鱼岬渔村里有一间
The factory has a wide range fo products for you to choose at will , making you no longer look for another manufacturer that most suits your needa 博大精深,任意选择,令你不再为寻找心仪的制造商而东奔西走.那份久违的闲情逸致,此刻便可再一次拥有。
A variety of old - fashioned vehicles take you on a slow - paced ride around american waterfront , from new york city through to the quiet fishing village of cape cod 各种帅气造型的复古车及充满闲情逸致的渔村货车将带您前往美国海滨,欣赏纽约大街的都会风光!
The yiyue coffee bar fills with the simple and elegant european customs with the graceful and quiet environment in the third floor , let you fully enjoy the leisure of heavy workload 江湾商务会馆会馆三楼怡悦咖啡吧充满古朴典雅的欧式风情,环境优雅清静,让您在繁忙的工作之余充分享受一下闲情逸致
The swiss people can better appreciate nature and enjoy a leisurely life , remarked a fellow visitor from singapore , probably because they live close to the alps . we see many singaporeans make a point of vacationing abroad every year for rest and relaxation 同团一名在银行工作的执行员就曾对笔者说: “大概是因为接近高山,所以瑞士人比较懂得爱惜大自然,也比较有闲情逸致,享受生活。 ”
You have to have time for yourself , to think , to be yourself again , to be within yourself , to develop your inner quality , to remember your inner quality - to be like an artist , like a very leisurely person , very loving , stress free , then you can give 必须把时间留给自己往内静思,回归自己的本性记起自己内在的本质,并发展? ,让自己像个艺术家般闲情逸致满怀爱心没有压力,然后你才能给予。
Had elizabeth been at leisure to be idle , she would have remained certain that all employment was impossible to one so wretched as herself ; but she had her share of business as well as her aunt , and amongst the rest there were notes to be written to all their friends in lambton , with false excuses for their sudden departure 纵使伊丽莎白能够偷闲摸空跟她谈谈,在这种狼狈不堪的情况下,哪里还会有闲情逸致来谈这种事,何况她也和她舅母一样,有多少事情要料理别的且不说,蓝白屯所有的朋友们就得由她写信去通知,执行捏造一些借口,说明他们为什么要突然离去。