铅直输送系数: vertical tra ort coefficientvertical transport coefficientverticaltra ortcoefficient
Example Sentences:
A new method of no perpendicular asymptote to curve 曲线非铅直渐进线的一种求法
Critical height of vertical slope 基坑开挖与降水铅直边坡的临界高度
Height profile of ozone 臭氧铅直分布图
Preliminary attempt of using vertical energy outline chart of single station as the accessorial tools to forecast loacl rainstorm 用单站铅直能量廓线图作局地暴雨预报辅助工具的初步尝试
The measured ratio of drainage using the said two ways is rather similar to that of numbers going through the discontinuities ( i . e . about 2 ) 仰斜孔排水效果明显优于铅直孔,二者实测排水量之比与其穿越结构面的数目之比十分一致( 2 ) 。
During the three decades lately , a number of experimental study used to resist horizontal and vertical loads of spread foundations are carried out worldwide 近三十年来,国内外对承受水平和铅直荷载的输电线路杆塔基础进行了大量卓有成效的试验研究。
The results show that the recovery of lead , gold and silver are 93 . 36 % , 91 . 02 % and 69 . 38 % seperately , and the recovery of copper in matte is more than 98 % when the ratio of lead concentrate to alloy is 230 % 试验结果表明:当铅精矿相对合金加入比率为230 %时,铅直收率93 . 36 % ,金和银直收率分别为91 . 02 %和69 . 38 % ,铜在冰铜中的直收率为98 %以上。