| 1. | 007 die another day special edition 2 dvds 007新铁金刚之不日杀机限量特别版dvd双碟 |
| 2. | They ' re not fucking toys ! this is lron man , okay 他们不是他妈的玩具那么简单!这是个铁金刚,你知道吗? |
| 3. | I ' ll dress up like lron man 我可以打扮得象铁金刚 |
| 4. | Diamonds are forever 铁金刚勇破钻石党 |
| 5. | And some other hit movies you should be familar with , are spoofed by wong jing in this mixture of 绝种铁金刚是他的最新作品玩的不外乎是他的拿手好戏-堆砌翻炒其他电影的旧桥。 |
| 6. | Jimmie bond was a famous comedy actor who specialized in playing the role of superhero like james bond . but he was as timid as a mouse in real life 詹二邦梁家辉饰是扮演铁金刚英雄的喜剧演员,但真人胆小如鼠,令妻子曼琼余安安饰愤而与之离婚。 |
| 7. | But he was as timid as a mouse in real life . his cowardice caused his wife , mandy , to divorce him leaving him a s a single parent to take care of his two lovely daughters , cream and crispy 詹二邦梁家辉饰是扮演铁金刚英雄的喜剧演员,但真人胆小如鼠,令妻子曼琼余安安饰愤而与之离婚。 |
| 8. | Is simply another product of this century that was produced with the logic and production style of the 1980s . perhaps a good reminiscence for the fans of wong jing who are still crazy about his classics like 绝种铁金刚空有廿一世纪的包装剧情和拍摄手法却停留在八十年代的思维实难以讨好与时并进的观众。 |