Ⅰ名词 1.(镜子, 古代用铜制成) ancient bronze mirror 2.(可以作为警戒或引为教训的事) warning; object lesson 短语和例子 前车之鉴 warning taken from the overturned cart ahead; lessons drawn from others' mistakes; 引以为鉴 take warning from it3.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 鉴明 jian mingⅡ动词 1.(照) reflect; mirror 短语和例子 光可鉴人 (of flat surface) so shining and bright that it can serve as a looking glass; 水清可鉴。 the water is so clear that you can see your reflection in it.2.(仔细看; 审察) inspect; scrutinize; examine 短语和例子 请鉴核。 please examine.; please check.3.(旧时书信套语, 用在开头的称呼之后, 表示请人看信) 短语和例子 某先生台鉴。 dear mr. so-and-so: may i draw your attention to the following