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English translation for "遵化"


Related Translations:
:  动词(依照) follow; obey; abide by 短语和例子遵纪爱民 observe discipline and cherish the people; 遵圣旨 obey imperial decree; 遵医嘱 follow the doctor's advice
瑞遵:  shwegun
遵方向:  this way
遵圣旨:  obey imperial decree
良遵:  yoshiyuki
遵医嘱:  follow the doctor's advice
阮遵:  nguyen tuan
凛遵:  strictly abide by fearfulafraidapprehensive
遵重:  stick 2
张遵:  zhang zun
Example Sentences:
1.Doing better in irrigation water saving to promote water resources sustainable utilization
2.The authour investigate the dosing conditions and effect of the pac to the huanghe water - source , which includes the following four parts : the selection of the pac ; the confirmation of dosing scheme and effect of the pac ; the research of application of potassium permanganate in combination with pac ; the research of the pac ' s modification and the modified effectiveness . the experiment is mainly carried out on the pilot system in the jieyuan water plan of tianjin . the results of the reseach include the following : l ) the pac from zunhua plant is selected as the better carbon for the source water of tianjin through the experiment ; 2 ) through the pilot experiment we conclude that the pac ' s best adding point is the mixing tank and the better dose is 10mg / l , on which the codmn of filtered water can be decreased to 40 % and the effluent have no problem of odour and color ; 3the adsorbing experiment show that pac mainly adsorb the organic matters which molecular wt . , distribution between 500 and 3000 , and can adsorb organic matters whose molecular wt . , distribution are bigger than 6000 if the dose of it is adequent ; 4 ) pac together with potassium permanganate can remove the organic matter more effectively than each of them alone , and reduce the rising trend of turbidity of the flotation ' s effluent due to adding pac ; 5 ) the thesis made a research on the surface properties and the adsorbing capability of the modified carbon by oxidizer : the modified carbon with 20 % h2o2 can remove more organic pollutants than the untreated one by 12 % when we add a higher dose of coagulant ; 6 ) the modification of reduction and loading metal ions are also sttldied , and drow the following conclusions : the modified carbon with 5 % ammonia can enhance the organic matter ' s removal effectiveness by 10 % to the tianjin source water than the untreated one , and the modified one with loading metal ion remove the organic matters from the tianjin source water better ( 8 % ) than the untreated one due to the strong affinity betwween the humic acid and copper ion
本文的实验主要是在天津芥园水厂的中试系统上完成的,论文的成果和结论主要包括: 1 )通过静态实验选定河北遵化活性炭厂生产的煤质炭为适合天津原水的炭种; 2 )中试实验确定粉末活性炭的较佳投加点为混合池投加,较佳投加量为10mg l ,此时可使滤后水的cod _ ( mn )降低40 ,且可较好地控制滤后水的嗅味和色度; 3 )初步确定粉末活性炭对原水中有机物的吸附主要集中在分子量在500 - 3000范围内,投量增大时可吸附部分分子量大于6000的有机物4 )中试实验表明:粉末活性炭与高锰酸钾联用可取得较两者单独应用时对有机物更好的去除效果,且对因投加粉末活性炭而造成的气浮出水浊度升高有一定的改善作用; 5 )研究并初步确定氧化改性对粉末活性炭表面性质和有机物的去除效果的影响:粉末活性炭的氧化改性会使其表面的酸性官能团大量增强,表面极性增加;经20的过氧化氢改性的活性炭在增大混凝剂投加量( fecl _ 3投量为15mg l )时对有机物的总体去除效果较原活性炭提高12 , 1次氯酸钠改性活性炭对有机物的去除效果较原活性炭提高6 ; 6 )研究并初步确定还原改性、负载金属离子对原水中有机物的去除效果的影响:经5氨水改性的活性炭可提高天津源水中有机物的去除率达到10 ;负载铜离子后的活性炭可提高对腐殖酸类物质的去除能力,一般可提高8左右。
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