Clara's fibs and evasion disturbed her not in the least that morning . 克莱拉的谎言和遁词在那天早上一点也没有使她不安。
His answers to my questions were all evasions 他对我的问题的回答均为遁词。
She ' s only introducing this as a quibble 她提出此点,纯属遁词
The bilateral trade imbalance , the target of so many american politicians ' anger , is an economic red herring 众多美国政客的怒气所指? ?双边贸易不平衡是转移注意力的经济遁词。
The bilateral trade imbalance , the target of so many american politicians ' anger , is an economic red herring 众多美国政客指责的目标? ?双边贸易不平衡,是转移注意力的经济遁词。
It was no subterfuge on her part . she just lied in her throat and we all realized toe grossness of her false utterance 她所说的不是什么遁词。她简直是在撒弥天大谎。对她说假话之无耻程度,我们都是了解的。
If it had been an example from the history of china , we could have said it was not an historical fact the resource of historians when anything will not fit in with their rules . if it had occurred in a conflict on a small scale , in which only small numbers of soldiers had taken part , we might have looked upon it as an exception . but all this took place before the eyes of our fathers , for whom it was a question of life and death for their country ; and the war was on a larger scale than any wars we know of 如果这是中国历史上的例子,我们可以说这一现象与史实不符当问题不符合历史学家的尺度时,他们便以此为遁词如果这只是在小部队之间的短暂冲突,我们可以把这种现象看作是一种例外但是这一事件是在我们的父辈亲眼目睹下发生的,是决定祖国生死存亡的大事,这次战争在他们已知的所有战争中是一次最大的战争
It is one of my faults , that though my tongue is sometimes prompt enough at an answer , there are times when it sadly fails me in framing an excuse ; and always the lapse occurs at some crisis , when a facile word or plausible pretext is specially wanted to get me out of painful embarrassment 我有一个缺陷,那就是尽管我口伶俐,对答如流,但需要寻找藉口的时候却往往一筹莫展。因此某些关键时刻,需要随口一句话,或者站得住脚的遁词来摆脱痛苦的窘境时,我便常常会出差错。