Wouldn't you like us to send you back some sinful gold ? 难道你就不想我们给你捎点造孽的金子来吗?
The gifts of the earth were put only to nefarious uses 大地的赐予全被用去造孽。
" well , i must confess , these are scruples . “嗯,我已经必须承认,这些都是造孽钱。 ”
" what culpable carelessness in her brother ! “她哥哥的粗心可真造孽!
" you say that as if it were a sin rather than a blessing . “你这么说就好像我那不是在造福,反倒是在造孽了。 ”
The thing made a big stir in the town , too , and a good many come out flatfooted and said it was scandalous to separate the mother and the children that way 这件事在全镇也引起了很大的震动,好多人直接了当说这样拆散母女是造孽。
No one but these despised people of god who , with wallets over their shoulders , come to me by the back stairs , afraid of the prince catching sight of them , and not from fear of ill - usage , but from fear of tempting him to sin “除开这些被人蔑视的神亲而外,没有人能够领会这个道理,那些神亲肩背行囊从后门向我走来,因为他们惧怕被公爵望见,他们不是害怕吃到他的苦头,而是为了使他不致于造孽。