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English translation for "进入青春期"


Related Translations:
青春期曲细精管衰竭:  puberal seminiferous tubule failure
限制进入:  entrance restriction
进入屏幕:  frame in
校准进入:  calibrating run
腹腔进入:  intraperitoneal route
进入脑海:  in to brain
识别进入:  identification run
进入场:  approach apron
擅自进入:  gatecrashtrespassing
获准进入:  gain admission intogain admission toobtain admission intoobtain admission to
Example Sentences:
1.Jollie : that was before she was a teenager
2.A recent survey suggested the average age of puberty has dropped from 13 to 11
3.Some students hitting puberty commit suicide , for they are easily overwhelmed by the gloomy days in spring
4.After teenagers step into the period of adolescence , those friendship relations become a vital way to socialization
5.The survey found the average age for the onset of puberty of guangzhou ' s children dropped to 11 years old from the previous age of 13
6.The researchers said that , as children reached puberty , their body clocks tended to readjust to two hours later , so they were more alert at night and sleepier in the morning
7.Since the number 16 is said to represent the midpoint of the teen years , a " sweet 16 " party has served as a kind of puberty initiation rite , particularly for girls
8.Punishment may appear to produce " good behavior " in the early years , but always at a high price , paid by parents and by society as a whole , as the child enters adolescence and early adulthood
9.Doing so the wrong way , warns the american physical therapy association , can lead to back pain and even scoliosis , especially for pubescent girls , who are at greater risk for curvature of the spine
10.Young teens are constantly being told they ' re growing up , adding pressures of new responsibilities , certain rights and advantages , and expected behaviors they may not be ready for
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