| 1. | Then entering the scene , as a christmas unfolds , its the angels 然后进入场境的是天使,圣诞节的序幕已掀起。 |
| 2. | Brito reveals mourinho , banned from the touchline and dressing room , will not be in the ground tomorrow 布里托透露,穆里尼奥已经被禁止进入场内和球员更衣室,明天他不会出现在球场。 |
| 3. | Proctor grazed youkilis with a 2 - 2 fastball , clearing both benches and prompting the right - hander ' s ejection 在两好两坏球之后的触身球,使得两队球员都进入场中,也让天天p被罚出场。 |
| 4. | To sort out , distribute and dispatch the bonded imports or to distribute the goods to overseas or domestic market after value added processing 进口货物进入场区内,进行货物的分拣、配送、商业性简单加工、批量转换后,向国内外配送。 |
| 5. | To deconsolidated consolidate the international , domestic goods or bonded imports and then transport them to a port of destination within or out of china 国际、国内货物进入场区进行分拆,按同一目的港进行集拼,转运到国内外各港口。 |
| 6. | The form does not make the ball go in the court , the unique individualized " feel " they have developed through exceptional timing and judgment does 只有动作是无法使回球进入场内的,那些优秀的选手都会感到,他们是通过对击球时间的控制和判断力来完成击球的。 |
| 7. | To refer to comprehensive handling of domestics goods in the bonded logistics park and bonded imports including containerized exporting and distribution within or out of china after value added processing 采购的国际、国内货物进入场区内,经过出口集运的综合处理和商业性简单加工后向国外分销。 |
| 8. | After all this delay , when they arrived at the banquet hall , they found that all the initiates and guests had already been seated , and to maintain order in the venue , the guard refused to let them enter so they had to wait at the door 经过此番折腾,当他们抵达会场时,发现与会同修和来宾早已入席完毕。为了避免影响会场的秩序,护法师兄没有让他们进入场内,于是他们只好在门口等待。 |
| 9. | At the seminar in the ancient city of cusco , the strong spiritual atmosphere of the local people was overwhelming . the 200 - seat venue was packed with more than 300 guests , some of whom occupied the stairways and crowded into the back . those who could not squeeze into the venue felt deep regret 在库斯科市cusco这个古文明的城市举办讲座时,我们感受到当地非常浓厚的灵修气氛,原先仅能容纳200人的会场,却挤进了300多人,连楼梯上都因坐满了人而无法通行,会场后面也站满了来宾,还有许多人无法进入场内而抱憾不已。 |