[ zérèn ] 1.(应做的事) duty; responsibility 短语和例子 责任重大 have a grave responsibility; 负完全责任 assume full responsibility2.(应承担的过失) responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame 短语和例子 推卸责任 shift the blame onto others; 追究责任 ascertain where the responsibility lies; 责任保险 liability insurance; 责任保险承保人 liability insurer; 责任保险费 liability insurance premium; 责任范围 extent of liability; 责任感 sense of responsibility; consciousness of responsibility; 责任能力 capacity for duties; 责任年龄 age of responsibility; 责任起讫 commencement and termination of cover; 责任事故 liability accident; accident out of negligence; accident due to negligence; 责任田 responsibility fields; fixed-output-quota farmland; 责任心 sense of responsibility