| 1. | Spies and counterspies were everywhere . 到处是特务和反间谍人员。 |
| 2. | Palmer, don't give me an ultimatum, for heaven's sake . 巴穆,看在老天的面上,别给我下最后通谍。 |
| 3. | Foreigners have spies; britain has military intelligence . 外国派有间谍;英国设有军事情报局来对付。 |
| 4. | Golitsin said that he knew of a famous "ring of five" spies, recruited in britain in the 1930's . 戈里钦说,他听说过一个有名的“五人间谍网”,是30年代在英国招募的。 |
| 5. | He offered to take me to see louis tordella to persuade him to help with the counterespionage of roc . 他主动提出要带我去见路易斯托德拉,劝说他在辐射作战委员会的反间谍方面帮忙。 |
| 6. | Of course, the possibility of a fifth man chimed completely with golitsin's evidence about a ring of five . 当然,存在第五个人的可能性与戈里钦关于“五人间谍网”的说法是完全吻合的。 |
| 7. | He began his career handling soviet counterespionage for the fbi, until hoover sacked him for drunkenness . 他以在联邦调查局处理对苏反谍工作而开始他的职业生涯,直到后来由于酗酒而被胡佛解职。 |
| 8. | He had lifted the veil for the first time, and allowed me a glimpse into the secret world which bound the ring of five together . 他已经首次拉开了帷幕让我瞥一眼把“五人间谍网”结合在一起的那个秘密世界。 |
| 9. | But most of all, he possessed a streak of determinations, if not ruthlessness, which made him a superb head of counterespionage . 最重要的是,他虽然说不上残酷无情,但却意志坚决,这使他成了极好的反间谍领导人。 |
| 10. | Yes , l phoned the police . they will confirm every word ? ,倒牡诡?杠.谍龟弧杠 |