a stratagem comes to mind.; an idea came across [occurred to] one's mind.; an idea strikes someone.; a new idea flashed across one's mind.; a plan came into one's mind.; hit upon an idea; bethink oneself of a good plan; concoct a plan; have a brain wave; one thinks out a plan.; strike out a plan; stumble on [upon] a plot
Related Translations:
眉头一皱计上心来: knit the brows and you will hit upon a stratagem
灵机一动计上心来: one had a brain wave and found a good solution
Knit the brows and a stratagem comes to mind . 眉头一皱,计上心来。
At this dark and hopeless moment an inspiration burst upon him 正在这灰心绝望的时刻,他忽然灵机一动,计上心来。
Then she had a new inspiration : " tom , you didn t have to undo your shirt collar where i sewed it , to pump on your head , did you 可接着她灵机一动,计上心来: “汤姆,你往头上浇水的时候,不必拆掉我给你衬衫上缝的领子吧?
The expression in " san kuo yen yi " , " knit the brows and a stratagem comes to mind " , or in everyday language , " let me think it over " , refers to man ' s use of concepts in the brain to form judgements and inferences 《三国演义》上所谓“眉头一皱计上心来” ,我们普通说话所谓“让我想一想” ,就是人在脑子中运用概念以作判断和推理的工夫