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English translation for "觉心"


Related Translations:
:  觉名词(睡眠) sleep 短语和例子午觉 midday nap; 我想上楼去睡一觉。 i think i'll go upstairs and have a sleep. 祝你睡一夜好觉。 i wish you a good night's sleep.
觉哥:  kyawko
精细觉:  epicritic
五官觉:  special sensationsspecial sensespecial sensibility
昭觉:  zhaojue
净觉:  pure enlightenment
震觉:  seismaesthesia
真觉:  masatorimazamezhenxiao dashi
觉助:  kakusuke
腱觉:  tendon sensation
Example Sentences:
1.The killer may fidget your adversary , who can not concentrate on working and can not find a way out . it is your time to take the opportunity
2.With the sky as their roof , they sat on the ground seeking the inner worlds . meditating in the open , surrounded by mountains and the forest , they felt especially free and tranquil , as if they were unified with the universe . despite the noise of karaoke from other groups who pitched their tents nearby , the atmosphere in the camp site where they were meditating remained serene and peaceful
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