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English translation for "表示地址"

presentation address

Related Translations:
表示:  show; express; mean; indicate; expression; presentation; signifying; remark; representation 短语和例子表示不服罪 plead not guilty; plead unguilty; 表示服罪 plead guilty; 表示愤慨 express one's indignation;
表示服务:  presentation services
表示歉意:  offer an apologyexpress one's regret
表示欢迎:  make sb. welcome
数量表示:  quantitaes
公式表示:  formulation
求爱表示:  courtship display
虚伪表示:  simulatio
网络表示:  network representation
表示学科:  logy
Example Sentences:
1.You would define a complex type that represents an address and declare shipto and billto elements of that complex type
2.In this first step , i ve specified that the type of document being created is a book , and that it includes a set of component - level elements referencing external files . some entities defined at this top level are not used immediately , but only within the included files . for example , the entity
Similar Words:
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