| 1. | The hostages wept for joy on their release . 人质获释时喜极而泣。 |
| 2. | The accused man was found not guilty and discharged . 被告男子被判无罪而获释。 |
| 3. | After his release, he did not want to remarry her . 他获释之后,不想再同她复婚。 |
| 4. | Emancipists were given land . 获释放者可以获得土地。 |
| 5. | He was released only 2 years before he died in 1294 . 他在逝世前两年1294年才获释出狱。 |
| 6. | Chicherin was released . 契切林终于获释。 |
| 7. | Prisoners held the longest were being released earliest in any case . 被俘时间最早的人总是最先获释的。 |
| 8. | The thief was determined to turn over a new leaf once he was released from prison . 那盗贼下决心,一旦获释便重新做人。 |
| 9. | After four months the medical director of the sanatorium declared her sane and responsible, and she was released . 四个月之后,疗养院的主任医师宣布她神志正常,能辨明是非,于是她获释出院。 |