Multiple recipient of the presidential medal for excellence 纯莉?兜罴参才吃彻
You keep pouring in hot water whenever poison cools it off 罴? ?此琵籼荐
I aiways thought she was a fake 罴谋?安
People insist on reminding me 罴?矗眶
The stones are of different kinds of shapes , such as mother and son travel together , pulling clothes and draggign skirts , poet suwu pasturing sheep , looking at hometown from a distance , budhisattva , monk bajie , tiger and leopard , old castle , general s rock , etc . , which allow visitors to imagine freely and arouse much more interest 纵观奇柱异石,或如母子偕游,牵衣拽裙或像苏武牧羊,遥望故乡或似观音八戒或似虎豹熊罴或似古堡将军. .