| 1. | Because fifteen pounds is not enough for board and teaching , and the deficiency is supplied by subscription “因为十五英镑不够付住宿货和学费,缺额由捐款来补足。 ” |
| 2. | " because fifteen pounds is not enough for board and teaching , and the deficiency is supplied by subscription . “因为十五英镑不够付住宿货和学费,缺额由捐款来补足。 ” |
| 3. | So large quantities of power energy has to be transferred from the north to the south 这就要求从北部往南部输送大量的电能。在电网输送过程中造成了较大的无功功率缺额。 |
| 4. | These problems left science faculty scrambling to fill teaching and research positions and threaten the viability of some small programs 出现了这些问题,使得科学系所的教师必须仓促补足助教及研究助理的缺额,有些小型学程更面临了存续的危机。 |
| 5. | The president shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the senate , by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session 总统有权任命人员以补参议院休会期间所发生之缺额,惟该项任命应于参议院下次会议终结时满期。 |
| 6. | When there is reactive power deficiency or bus voltage exceeding limit , reactive power dispatching and voltage correction program based on continual linear programming method are introduced to eliminate them 当潮流计算出现母线电压越限或者无功缺额时,采用无功电压校正予以消除。 |
| 7. | When there is active power deficiency or line overloaded , linear programming method with multi dispatching strategies is applied to adjust generator output or shed load 当潮流计算结果出现线路过载或有功缺额时,采用线性规划方法,建立电力系统有功发电再调度算法,加入了各种优化目标策略,寻找调整发电机出力或者切负荷措施。 |
| 8. | When more than half of the positions on the ncc become vacant , the vacancies should be filled according to the procedure in paragraphs 2 and 3 , and the successors shall serve until the end of the original members term 委员任满三个月前,应依第二项第三项程序提名新任委员委员出缺过半时,其缺额依第二项第三项程序办理,继任委员任期至原任期届满为止。 |
| 9. | Consent shall be signified initially by an affirmative vote of three fifths of all nrc members . in the event of a failure to reach 13 candidates for the ncc , then an affirmative vote of one half of all nrc members will be sufficient for consent 审查会先以审查会委员总额五分之三以上为可否之同意,如同意者未达十三名时,其缺额随即以审查会委员总额二分之一以上为可否之同意。 |