Tapestry is produced by weaving . this programme illustrates the two techniques and introduces some of the beautiful works that they can produce 缂丝是将图案以经纬方式编织而成,而刺绣则是以绣线一针针绣在布上形成图案。
Tapestry is produced by weaving . this programme illustrates the two techniques and introduces some of the beautiful works that they can produce 缂丝是将图案以经纬方式编织而成,而刺绣则是以绣线一针针绣在布上形成图案。
The author provides an extensive comparative discussion of the dating of this thangka , arguing that this is neither a song dynasty nor a tangut xixia period work , as has been often argued , but rather an early 14th century yuan dynasty kesi silk copy of an earlier work 本文专就此唐卡的断代问题进行了深入的讨论和广泛的比较,认为此唐卡不应是传统所认为的宋或西夏时期的作品,而应是14世纪初以早期旧唐卡为底本的一个元代缂丝仿制品。
Suzhou s arts crafts represent a unique cultural style and workmanship developed over a thousand years under the influence of the wu culture and the skills of generations of artisans . most representative of suzhou style are embroidery , fans , national musical instruments , scroll mounting , lanterns , mahogany furniture , jade carving , silk tapestry , traditional painting pigments of jiangsixutang studio , the new year s wood - block prints of taohuawu studio , etc 苏州工艺经历了一千多年的繁荣,受吴文化之陶冶,积民间艺人之经验,逐渐形成了一套独特的工艺流程和文化风格,其中著名的有苏绣苏扇苏乐苏裱苏灯苏式红木家具玉雕缂丝姜恩序堂国画颜料及桃花坞木刻年画。