Beijing - flavour literaure : flavour ' s change in swansong 绝响中换味
The ghost city heritage from geologic period 地质时代的遗存绝响
From guangling melody 选自广陵绝响
Paramount and its jazz music have come to represent in later years , the prosperity of shanghai in early 20th century 百乐门.绝响精选百乐门最有代表性的精彩曲目,内容丰富,风韵浓郁。
Just when xiao hong has finally learned it , the warlord rivalry has begun and yu is forced conscripted by the warlord and has lost his ability to smile . on the verge of another war , sun yu created another humanist drama on the tolls of war and warlord occupation on the common people ; life s simplest pleasures smile can even become the rarest commodity 孙瑜藉几个平凡村民的遭遇,对战争和军阀割据作出最强烈的控诉。因一小撮人的野心导致无数的生灵涂炭,人性遭横蛮扭曲。在这乱世中,人类最基本的情感抒怀(笑)也可成为绝响。