杰克的一双手很粗笨: jack is clumsy with his hands. unwieldy
Example Sentences:
Jack is clumsy with his hands . 杰克的一双手很粗笨。
The life that was to make his soul would mar his body. he would become dreadful, hideous, and uncouth . 原应该成为他心灵的生命将会毁伤自己的形体。他会变得怕人、丑陋和粗笨。
A rush of jealousy, of contempt, and anger with this thick, loud-breathing rustic got the better of ashurt's self-possession . 一股子醋劲,再加上对这大声呼吸着的粗笨的乡下佬的轻蔑和怒气,使艾舍特失掉了自控。
Their fingers , from excessive toil , are too clumsy and tremble too much for that 操劳过度,使他们的手指粗笨了,颤抖得又太厉害,不适用于采集了。
Across the streets , at wide intervals , one clumsy lamp was slung by a rope and pulley ; at night , when the lamplighter 每隔一段较大的距离便有一盏粗笨的路灯,用绳和滑车吊在街心。
The modern industrial products should not give somebody a clumsy feeling again , only emphasize the strength sense has been already far from enough 现代工业产品不应再给人粗笨的感觉,只强调力量感已远远不够。
Reflected in the transparent water , he saw below him his own image , but he was no longer a clumsy dark gray bird , ugly and ungainly . he was himself , a swan 他看到了自己的倒影。但那不再是一只粗笨的、深灰色的、又丑又令人讨厌的鸭子,而却是- -一只天鹅!
The housekeeper s husband , who had known him as a boy , helped him , and did any heavy lifting ; but connie did the personal things , and she did them willingly 而他又本愿意一个女仆人来帮助他。女管家的丈夫他是当克利福还是孩童的时候便认识他的。帮助着他做些粗笨的事情。
When abdomen one every day rise greatly , inconvenience is meeting some , this also because of the person different , but actually oneself feel not bad , look so cumbersome without others 等到肚子一天天的大起来,不方便是会有的,这个也因人而异,但其实自己感觉还好的,没有别人看起来那么粗笨。
It was the first major social occasion that diana attended as a young woman , and many of the royals were surprised at how beautiful and mature the once - gawky girl had become 这是她成年后参加的第一个大型社交活动,许多皇室成员对这个当初还是个粗笨难看的丫头,现如今却出落成如此成熟美丽的女人颇感惊讶。