| 1. | The oil of type 3 is of a mixture by typel and 2 , and dominated by the former 第三类原油为第一和第二类原油混合的产物,并以第一类原油为主。 |
| 2. | ( 3 ) . there are three types of crude oils in the east slope area and three sets of source rocks in the bozhong depression ( 3 )埕岛油田主要存在三类原油,发育三类烃源岩。 |
| 3. | The oil of type 4 is of a biodegraded one from type 1 and characterized by relatively high density and viscosity 第四类原油为第一类原油经历生物降解而形成的。原油密度、粘度相对较高,属普通稠油。 |
| 4. | This oil is characterized by relatively low isomerization ratios of steranes , but slightly higher density and viscosity than those of type 1 该类原油甾烷异构化指标偏低,粘度和密度相对高于第一类原油,但仍为稀油。 |
| 5. | Although the oil of type 2 is shallowly buried it is not affected by biodegradation while the neighboring , or inter - bedded oils of type 1 and type 3 are strongly biodegraded 而第二类原油油层之间或上下邻近层位的第一和第三类原油的油层则发生较强的生物降解作用。 |
| 6. | This type of oil is derived from the shallowly buried , immature or lowly mature source rock of duhongmu formation i . the type 1 and 2 oils are two basic types in daerqi oilfield 这类原油属于原生低成熟特稠油,油源为都一段未熟、低成熟烃源岩。第一和第二类原油为达尔其油田基本的原油类型。 |
| 7. | Oil type 1 , non - biodegraded oil , is characterized by low viscosity , low density , high content of saturated fraction , low content of resin and asphaltene and high ratio of isomerization of steranes 第一类原油粘度和密度低,族组成以饱和烃组分为主,非烃和沥青组分含量低,甾烷异构化指标高,未遭受生物降解。 |
| 8. | The oil of type 5 is the biodegraded one from the oil of type 3 , and characterized by a density and viscosity similar to type 4 . however , the isomerization ratio is lower in the type 5 than that in the type 4 第五类原油是由第三类原油生物降解的产物,原油密度和粘度与第四类原油相近,但甾烷异构化指标相对较低。 |
| 9. | Oil type 2 , also non - biodegraded , is characterized by extremely high viscosity , relatively high density , low content of saturated fraction , high content of resin and asphaltene and low ratios of isomerization of steranes 第二类原油粘度特大,密度相对较高。族组成以非烃和沥青质组分为主,饱和烃含量低。甾烷异构化指标低,未遭受生物降解。 |
| 10. | The occurrence and intensity of biodegradation on oils in daerqi oilfield is not only determined by burial depth and exposure to meteoric water , but also related to the group composition and physical feature of the oil 达尔其油田油层生物降解作用不仅与油藏深度和地表水连通性有关,也与原油物性和族组成有关。第二类原油虽然油层浅,但未遭受生物降解作用。 |