This was the first result the cooper was looking for . 这是老箍桶匠所要求达到的第一个目标。
The cooper in particular swells his last note in a hollow voice . 特别是箍桶匠爱用闷声送出他那最后的尾音。
This endearment indicated the highest degree of delight in the old cooper . 这个称呼是老箍桶匠快乐到了极点的表示。
The two diplomatists shook hands, and then the cooper showed the banker the door . 两位军师握了握手,老箍桶匠把银行家一直送到大门。
In spite of his low voice and careful and discreet behaviour his speech and habits were those of cooper . 尽管他声音柔和,态度持重,仍不免露出箍桶匠的谈吐与习惯。
One that makes or repairs wooden barrels and tubs 箍桶匠制作或修理木桶及木盆的人
Distinguishes itself from traditional cooperages due to the method used and its special wine barrels which will enable you to make Marchive桶业通过它的方法和它专门的酒桶区别于传统的箍桶业,使您能够
" s pose he can t write - he can make marks on the shirt , can t he , if we make him a pen out of an old pewter spoon or a piece of an old iron barrelhoop ? “就算他不会写吧他可以在衬衫上做些符号,不是么?只要我们用一只旧白铁皮调羹,或者用一片箍桶的旧铁条为他做一枝笔就行了。 ”
" i tuck out en shin down de hill , en spec to steal a skift long de sho som ers bove de town , but dey wuz people a - stirring yit , so i hid in de ole tumble - down cooper - shop on de bank to wait for everybody to go way “我溜出家门,急忙赶下山去,原想到镇上一处地方偷一只小船。不过,那里人来人往。我就多躲在岸边那个箍桶匠的破屋子里,等人家一个个走开。
The second , which was called the rue de la harpe on the left bank , rue de la barilleri in the island , rue saint - denis on the right bank , pont saint - michel on one arm of the seine , pont au change on the other , ran from the porte saint - michel in the university , to the porte saint - denis in the town 第二条长街在左岸,名为竖琴街,在老城河洲上叫做箍桶街,在右岸叫做圣德尼街,在塞纳河两道河汊上各有一座桥,一座叫做圣米歇尔桥,另一座叫钱币兑换所桥,这条长街起自大学城的圣米歇尔门,止于新城的圣德尼门。